Life Insurance That Pays You,
If You Don't Die!
Life insurance is a powerful financial tool that can be used to protect and secure your family's future if you should die too soon.
Living Benefits
Accelerated Benefits Riders are optional, no-additional cost riders that can allow you to access all or part of your death benefit, while living, if you experience a qualifying terminal, chronic or critical illness or critical injury.
Since the benefit is unrestricted, once you qualify, you can use the benefit for any reason. Benefits might be used for, but are not limited to:
Household expenses
Adult Day Care
Home modifications
Regular bills
Nursing home care
Quality of life expenditures

Learn more about Living Benefits below.
critical illness or critical injury
What qualifies?
Critical illness includes:
Aorta Graft Surgery
Aplastic Anemia
Cystic Fibrosis
End Stage
Heart Attack
Heart Valve Replacement
Major Organ Transplant
Motor Neuron Disease
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Critical Injury includes:
Severe Burns
Traumatic Brain Injury